domenica 31 ottobre 2010


IWGA (International World Games Association) statistics say that, as of 2006, there were approximately 20 million recreational surfers worldwide: just think what could happen to our environment if each of them started cleaning a section of their beach! What a great environmental impact it could have!
…it’s our duty to do something… but an incentive to motivate our effort is always welcome. I mean, it’s only fair! We would all like someone to pat our shoulder and tell us: “GOOD JOB!” And that’s what GOS is going to do! We’re going to motivate you to do something more for your beach and nature in general. And how is that?!?!?
It’s very easy: go surfing, have fun and clean a section of your beach; don’t forget to shoot a short video of you raking up the sand! Then send it to along with your personal info and information on the surf spot where you shot the video and you’ll receive an awesome GOS t-shirt!!!!!
But remember to always respect nature and clean your home spot; don’t do it just for a free t-shirt, do it because you’re doing something right! It will make you feel a lot better!

MOTHER NATURE HAS HAD ENOUGH!!!!! It’s time to do something! Remember that surfing means being part of something, a living organism that goes on living no matter what we do. We’re certainly not the solution, but we can be a part of it.

Green Ocean Surfing
The first totally free interactive online surfing course

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